Saturday, June 12, 2010

What is gastric sleeve surgery? pic's so yuck!

Thought I would educate those of you who are not quite sure on what I am having done. The technical name is Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. The surgery is a restrictive type of weight loss surgery that permanently reduces the size of the stomach. It promotes weight loss by limiting food intake and lessening the sensation of hunger; it does not involve intestinal rerouting or food mal-absorption. Above is a picture of what my new stomach will look like. During gastric sleeve surgery, the surgeon removes approximately 60 to 80% of the stomach along the greater curvature, leaving only a small tube, or “sleeve” for the new stomach pouch that extends from the natural stomach opening to the natural stomach outlet. Results show that gastric sleeve patients who have had the procedure can expect to achieve a 60 to 70% excess weight loss at 2 years. you can lose a lot more if you exercise and work at it, eating right and regular. it is also possible to lose too much weight, and have to eat to keep it together...
(info from

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