Thursday, June 3, 2010

it's Thursday... all day!!!

well, today woke up and was not hungry, went and had my shake anyway, did the morning routine, and then took girls to school.
Came home and started doing the paper work for apra...... and it took ages!!!
Needed a letter from my dr, husbands signature and to copy them all.
So, off i go to the dr.... and realise that i have not filled in the account details.... bugger. It took ages to see the dr then i had to type the letter as i type faster than she does.  went home and got hte information, met Dh on the side of the road for signatures and went to see a J.P. and got them copied and signed.  posted... now have to wait for an answer.

todays food goes like this....
shake (optifast)----------------------------  875kj
tea   ---------------------------------------    91kj
shake  ------------------------------------- 875kj
tea      -------------------------------------   91kj
soup with veggies  ------------------------ 150kj
soup (optifast)  ---------------------------  715kj
salad  1 cup------------------------------   150kj
monster ---------------------------------   116kj
tea --------------------------------------     91kj
tea  -------------------------------------      91kj

total for today.....                                          3245kj

which is calories........                                      775kc

well done girl!!!!

The optifast shakes are nice... i actually like them and i like the shakes, don't need to skull them..... thinking will stick with them.... after all.
weighed myself at the dr's..... 140.0... in shoes!!!!
wish i had weighed myself there on monday, so i knew what my starting weight there was oh well is ok will go every friday from now on.

also seem to have lost about 5cm from waiste... seat belt is def more comfortable.

time to do dinner and make a salad, so, have a great night and be safe.

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