Friday, June 25, 2010

the last 24 hours

I am, like everyone else, getting slack at keeping up my blog.... sigh

so, here is my last 24 hours, as much as i can remember....

woke at 7:30, logged on had a sticky, went and tried to get ready for day..... shower dressed etc.
got girls up and dressed and off to school.  my darling husband rang and needed me to pick up his scans for him, from Blacktown and get them to Heritage as soon as possible.  got to Blacktown no parking so stopped in pick up drop off point... think a council worker took my picture so could be expensive.

I then went to  office works, wandered around for a while  and then found a printer and ink for less than i thought i would have to pay..... so i got this one. and i bought 2 colour inks and 2 black and white inks to go with it.
also bought 3 purple folders and 3 blue.   went home and sorted out old notes and the folders in the hall cupboard... read threw out heaps of folders and old stuff.  now have all old notes in hall and the lounge only has current stuff. still looking for narrow tall bookcase for the bedroom to hold all the notes and stuff...

rushed off to heritage and then to the dentist. had a filling or 2, then off to castle hill.

after spending most of Wednesday trying to get the girls sneakers, i found Garry and Sarah a pair each, and they were only $24.90 for both pairs.  happy dance!!!!!

on way home i went back to Heritage to see Carlos about rego, drove to the servo, and heard a clunk.... didn't think much of it, it turned out to be the right steering rack mount....  can't get after market, so, $300 for genuine.... twice as much as a targo.... being done Friday 10.30 am.

went home, cleaned up a little, had some rocket and a tea, then went to pick up the girls. home. big big big clean up, and vacuum, then fed girls. Britney and Krystal came over, and then Anastasia.... full house lots of giggling girls and LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Garry came home and took them all to GFS, quiet!!
finally time to set up printer... and it works whooooooo!!!!!

cooked dinner for all, made Garry wraps and the girls a kind of Mexican pizza thing.... looked yum!!!

and bed.... watched master chef and big bang theory.

woke and took meds,  washed dishes and cleaned the kitchen. then back to sleep... up at 3 am, Garry coming home from fixing trailer and getting car ready to go to Melbourne.  cuddle and chat, then read for a while before coming on line....

it's morning, time to get up and get going again. we mum's fit a lot into one day!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dear Diary 1 part 2...

today's weight.....

optifast.. week 3 139.8kg

total weight loss of 4.5KG

so finally below 140kg.

went to dentist, now have had 4 root canals, and 7 fillings...... $3000 later.... still need more done. next thurs.

so my next week already looks a little like this:

Monday: clean iron and vacuum, nap and hopefully get started with my new TAFE course.

Tuesday: ultra sound and barium swallow. pick up glasses hopefully if not on saturday

Wednesday: children's hospital with miss 11. DH and Miss 10 to dentist

Thursday: dentist 2 hour appointment.

Friday: DH might be going to Melbourne so need to be ready to play single parent and get a lot of stuff done. want to change around the kids rooms and get rid of some furniture too... (HUGE JOB)

dear diary 1

copied from my diary
it's been a week and a half in my life!

Monday, cold cold cold lol don't know what else we did, think i slept the day away...

Tuesday. did some house hold stuff, made a stack of appointments i have been avoiding... dentist, scans, and house hold family stuff.

went to Dr to get another letter to apra. got my hair cut off!!! i love it, and want to keep it that way. i only did it because so much is falling out, never would have thought i would ever cut my hair!!

in the evening, miss 11 was being silly and kicked her toe.... she has only just gotten out of plaster from 2 broken toes and her 5th metacarpal (???spelling) so took her to children's hospital..... combination of cold and other's smoke (don't get me started on smoking) had an asthma attack , the children's hospital called an ambo, and i went into respiratory failure.... was in resus for the night, and signed self out in the morning........ no sleep full of steroids and other crap.

got home at.... 6.30am! had shower, got girls dressed and off to school, went to centrelink and then..... DENTIST . did i mention that i really really hate the dentist and am terrified of it.....

need: 4 or 5 root canal, 4 crowns, 6 fillings, a good clean.... and a root bed extraction.

will be sedated for some of it.

went back on Thurs.. was supposed to have 2 small fillings, but had 2 fillings and 1 root canal.

going back today.

also go to see my surgeon's setchitary to get weighed this morning... not looking forward to this, as i ate like a pig weds from the steroids, just hope no gain. have to get scanned on Tues, for start of the process for me to be banded lol my surgeon does not know yet that i want to be sleeved instead!!!

going back to dentist this morning, and to auto electrician... and to return DOA items... sigh.

OK will get back to you, dear diary with my weight today... maybe!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Went to the dentist today again.... 3 fillings and root canal, back tomorrow for more... guess i will sleep well this weekend.

Had gas and listened to my ipod worked just pretended i was not there!!

home, tidied up a little now only 7pm and exhausted so going to sleep.
have had a shake and a soup today not much else, to tired and sore.
lol seems dentist is great for not eating!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

hair today gone tomorrow....

got my hair cut...... to just below the shoulders...

i love it, took 5 minutes to wash, was dry in minutes, and looks like it has been just done today....

had a near fatal asthma attack and almost died.
and spent a night in resus....
signed myself out....

at cake and eegs and bacon and chips and and and....

came home went to dentist...
3 root canal's
5 crowns
13 fillings
but none to come out!!!
and will fix the front ones too!!!
Go dentist!!!!

tomorrow.... will be on gas and ipod...
then fillings time!!!

not happy Jan
but i will live through it!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

sunday night in westren sydney

1 girl in bed, 1 watching tv in lounge room.
husband and i in bed watching forgeting sarah marshall.

it's cold.

have not had enough food or drinks today, need to have more tomorrow. sigh.
never thought i would say that.
made these opti biscuits, and did not like them at all.
3 egg whites
1/2 t cream of tartar
1/4 c equal
2 opti sachets

beat 2 whites till soft peak then add equal and tartar. beat till thick.
add opti.

put in another bowl, beat the last egg white till stiff and fold through the rest.
put in small spoon fulls on the baking tray, and bake 13-15 Min's.
i hated them, think if you add enother 1/2 c equal to the second lot of egg whites might be a little better.

not much else to say.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What is gastric sleeve surgery? pic's so yuck!

Thought I would educate those of you who are not quite sure on what I am having done. The technical name is Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. The surgery is a restrictive type of weight loss surgery that permanently reduces the size of the stomach. It promotes weight loss by limiting food intake and lessening the sensation of hunger; it does not involve intestinal rerouting or food mal-absorption. Above is a picture of what my new stomach will look like. During gastric sleeve surgery, the surgeon removes approximately 60 to 80% of the stomach along the greater curvature, leaving only a small tube, or “sleeve” for the new stomach pouch that extends from the natural stomach opening to the natural stomach outlet. Results show that gastric sleeve patients who have had the procedure can expect to achieve a 60 to 70% excess weight loss at 2 years. you can lose a lot more if you exercise and work at it, eating right and regular. it is also possible to lose too much weight, and have to eat to keep it together...
(info from

thinking and feeling...

Life is a strange thing, when you think about it.

God created us to be in His image, and i guess to keep Him company. and we are destroying ourselves and the home He made for us.

Kind of like cleaning your child's room for them to go in and destroy it in 10 Min's. know how much this annoys me, so, if God is a million times bigger does that make it a million times more annoying?

looked at all the different options when i have finished the cert II and there are 3 different cert III's thinking that i want to do financial pathway, but medical is another option.... and so is admin.. or straight business... or do three different cert III"s before i do a cert IV.... then i will know which one i want to do lol.

food glorious food!!!!
sooooo thinking of it today, can't get it off my mind.
have had a shake, and 3 tea's and made a soup from zucchini, and a little chopped veg.... was filling lol
have not had lunch shake but thinking will need it when i am cooking for the others.... and i have to make steak and chips today, sigh will be hard to say the least!!!

going to teach miss 11 how to cook them.
and will make a huge effort not to touch!!!!
what else.
my son's baby is due in September, and i am soooo green!!!!
hope i get to spend some time with the little one.

Garry is out riding bikes with the girls, they have wanted ot go for ages so glad they have gone.

watching Juno. love the movie.
love the character and how she is with not being sure about anything in life, but she is so sure about adopting out her bub. all the adult are believable and the adoptive dad falls in love with Juno.... love that!!!

i want to go on a long trip to Canberra with the girls but think it will be just 2 nights or so..... wonder how much the accommodation will be???
hmmm another thing i need to do.
ok so that's that. sorry all over the place and rambling, but i said it was thoughts.

lol cold and hungry going to have another tea and a cup of lettuce...
sooo interesting!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

a day of changes.

Isn't this just ME!!!!!!!!!!

so, today i have not even pretended to stick to my optifast plan. so, will have  to go very hard tomorrow. and measure every thing and work it out so that i don't want to eat bread..... that is my down fall.....

well today i dropped out of community services certificate IV....... was doing well but found i was not doing. so, did some research... getting good at finding what i need and what i want to do.  I made the choice to enrol in a business administration course. cheating a bit, as think i know most of the work already and doing it to make me feel better.

I am feeling that i am making the wrong choices, and and i don't know how to fix them.
I am sure that the choice to have the surgery is right, wish we could rush it a bit and bring ti forward. that would mean having someone stay in the house and help with the girls... and at this time in my life I don't have any one to ask or that i would let do that for us. sigh is sooo hard.  wish my mum could come and help us.

i am scared of being home alone for the first week without anyone and Garry at work most of the day, might have to go to heritage in the afternoons or maybe to Beena's or Elma's for the day time... but can't drive so that is not going to be a solution.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

why i have changed my mind...

  • sleeving has less long term complications
  • sleeving means that i can eat anything, in moderation of cause.
  • bands...
  • slip
  • corrode
  • need replacing within 10 years
  • have a limited sucsess and a lot of the banders regain the weight
  • have issues with burping and regergitation
  • vomitin
  • food can get trapped.
  • a port near my hip to get in the way of sex
  • and for Garry to bump
  • a tube that can get tangled
  • and most important for me... is latex and what if my body decides it is allergic to it????

so this is the new thing.... hope my dr agrees.

and that's it for today.... bugger this is about truth...
had 2 slices of garry's fruit bread cake stuff.... and vomited it back up
got hte replacement shakes today, they def better!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

yummy cauli soup recipe

i know if i don't write them down they are lost...

cook cauliflower in waterand a stockcube  ... enough water to come about 3/4 of the way up the cauli, not the pan, stir regualialy so it cooks evenly till cooked lol sooo spersific taste, it to salty drain a little liquid and add a little water,
puree, and puree again till lit looks like it just about smooth, this does take a while, as the stuff looks yuck, should be while but looks lumpy.  sprinkle with chopped chives and or garlic chives and or other herbs and a little crushed garic.

is tuesday

Bad day for me.
had an asthma attack, to dr, oxygen, steroid injections, ventoin nebs more oxygen.... got sats back to 96%.
then ate curry and toast........ steroids in mega doses make me hungry.
love this stuff..... almost as good as i think i remember peanut butter to be....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday night tonight!!!

....and i am now not hungry
.....was but have been having unlimited salads.... as in lettuce, tomato, cucumber, capsicum, onion, parsley and shallots.
...............and 99% fat free thousand island dressing. is working for me...... and that is what i need to do.

I will do this as much as i need to, as i don't want ot do what everyone else seems to do and have foods not on my list..... ok so i am having twice as much as i should but at least i am keeping the kj's down....

it seems like food is all i think about  while i am doing htese silly shakes.

i mad a yummy yummy soup from
3 chopped zucchini,
1diced onion
1 massel beef stock cube
and  a cup or so of water.. cook and puree... add salt and pepper and YUMMMMMMMMMMMM

DH has a very sore tooth and it is driving him nuts... and us.
he is in a lot of pain and i feel for hime, he is going to od on pain meds at the rate he is going.....

house looks ok, washing almost caught up, kitchen i can fix tomorrow... and will have to look for some diferetn ideas then

Saturday, June 5, 2010

it's saturday night

it's saturday night, and i am over today.
have thought nothing but food all day, have had a lot and i mean a lot of vegetables.... 2 salads and a bowl of celery sticks.
had a coffee shake for breakfast and a strawberry shake for lunch.... and a soup for dinner.

slept all afternoon, was trying to read but slept instead.

still having issuse with food, trying to figure out where and when i want to eat.
food should be a thing i think about only to fuel my body, but for me it is an obsession.
did not realise this till now. 

if your addicted to drugs you can go cold turkey and never take drugs again, if you are addicted to alcohol you can live if you never have any again. if your poison is gambling, you don't have to gamble to stay alive. and smoking, smoking you can stop too. these are alll very hard to quit, very hard to never touch again, but that is the best way to cure an adiction......

but i have to eat to stay alive

Friday, June 4, 2010

it's Friday

well, today is Friday, and it has been all day.

woke up early, was not in the mood to get up, but i did, found that we had a house guest. was too tired to be sociable, and i reacted to all the sprays badly so went back to bed and had nebuliser.
googled optifast looking for a cheap way to buy the stuff.... and found that most places are the same sort of prices.

also *blush* realised during the night that if i did not do something, and continued on the way we normally do, as i am losing weight i would end up pregnant.

this is not an easy subject for me.
i have 8 babies in heaven, and really want more, but know i can't be pregnant and have the surgery that i need.
also, it is not a great idea to be this huge and pregnant.
so, today i went and got a depo shot. and i hate these.
they have so many side effects and take so long to get out of your system.

so, for the next 12 weeks i should not be able to get pregnant.
sigh. have spent 3 years trying to get and stay pregnant.

so.... after the Dr, that took 2 hours!!!! realised it is 11.30 and i did not have a breakfast shake, so, i did, watched some TV, tidied a little, and then went out for a while.

had a shake and mushrooms at 3pm, home made soup at 7 and a shake at 9pm. thinking need to start measuring my liquids better.... and i need to stop ummmmm bubbling!! (stinks)

i will come back to the baby issue when i can, but is hard!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

it's Thursday... all day!!!

well, today woke up and was not hungry, went and had my shake anyway, did the morning routine, and then took girls to school.
Came home and started doing the paper work for apra...... and it took ages!!!
Needed a letter from my dr, husbands signature and to copy them all.
So, off i go to the dr.... and realise that i have not filled in the account details.... bugger. It took ages to see the dr then i had to type the letter as i type faster than she does.  went home and got hte information, met Dh on the side of the road for signatures and went to see a J.P. and got them copied and signed.  posted... now have to wait for an answer.

todays food goes like this....
shake (optifast)----------------------------  875kj
tea   ---------------------------------------    91kj
shake  ------------------------------------- 875kj
tea      -------------------------------------   91kj
soup with veggies  ------------------------ 150kj
soup (optifast)  ---------------------------  715kj
salad  1 cup------------------------------   150kj
monster ---------------------------------   116kj
tea --------------------------------------     91kj
tea  -------------------------------------      91kj

total for today.....                                          3245kj

which is calories........                                      775kc

well done girl!!!!

The optifast shakes are nice... i actually like them and i like the shakes, don't need to skull them..... thinking will stick with them.... after all.
weighed myself at the dr's..... 140.0... in shoes!!!!
wish i had weighed myself there on monday, so i knew what my starting weight there was oh well is ok will go every friday from now on.

also seem to have lost about 5cm from waiste... seat belt is def more comfortable.

time to do dinner and make a salad, so, have a great night and be safe.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


missing toast the most, want to have some with butter..... and cheese or Vegemite or or or or but toast... it is crunchy tasty and hot!!!
(5pm note... husband does not like me.... brought home 2 loaves of bread, one fruit, and 1 lowens... my fav)
one of my favourite foods is a sandwich made with toast, butter and lots of thinly sliced tomatoes with loads of salt and a little pepper, with a hot cup of tea... sooooo yummy!!!!

so, i have stuck to the plan for another day.... well morning. it is lunch time, and i am about to ring the company to see if these revolting shakes should be separating or curdling... not sure which it is.
sooo will be back soon lol not that you will notice that i am not here..... so weird.....
 sending back the box, they will send me some more...

and have ordered another $140 of the shakes..... yuck lol
added 5pm:
bought some optifst today, think that i will cancell the order and try the optifast for a few days. think it might be a better option as i don't have to run around the world to find them.

Made a salad of 2 bunches of parsley, 2 onions, garlic, lemon juice, 2 tomatoes and some no fat dressing.
also need to have some more veggies today, not that hungry now. the pumpkin soup of the kicstart is YUM!!!!! spicy but YUM!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

monday and Tuesday...

Monday was the first day off the horrible shakes... and they are horrible!!.
the day went something like this.....
woke, took bgl, was a bit high for fasting.... had a cup of tea.
8.30 had my first shake.... made as per packet instructions... yuck again.
made a cup of tea but no time to drink it .....
drove girls to school and then started for merrylands... to buy more shakes.
had a can of monster low carb
lunch...... another vanilla shake, but this time i made it by adding a spoon of coffee and fibre and an equal sachet... and sculled it down..... still yuck but a little better
made a veggie stew thing for veg serving.....
1 zucchini
1/2 eggplant
1 onion
1 tomato
1/4 capsicum
a handful of sliced mushrooms
and some tomato paste and a veggie stock cube.
was nice.

dinner was another shake as per lunch and a bowl of lettuce, tomato, cucumber and fat free dressing.

drank a lot of tea as the day went along.

Tuesday was another day of shakes,
breakfast 1 strawberry shake... don't go there in a hurry....
tea tea
made 2 cups of stock with a massel stock cube and boiling water. was good.... until i was half way through the second then i decided that i need to only have it some time as was very strong...
had 4 sliced mushrooms
lunch was a vanilla shake at 2 pm with half of it ending up on the floor.
dinner...... made a salad of lettuce tomato and cucumber..... and some carrot forgot to add the capsicum, and celery and onion... oh well tomorrow.... have not had shake yet am still satisfied from salad thinking will try shake hot with the coffee and 50 ml milk wonder if i can convince myself that it tastes nice....

the girls ate the avocado... wish i could!!!

about me and my family

ummmm first off who i am. this is me and my DH in january..... about an hour later i was in an ambulance in a coma, but that too is different tale......
i was born.
and i am still alive and that is a bonus!!!!
OK, so the rest is a little more interesting i guess...
i live with my husband in western Sydney, with our 2 daughters, miss 11 and miss 10, and the cat mouse.
i also have a son, Mr 17 and a daughter in law in training.... and soon i will have a grandchild...... but that is for another post.

we live in a tiny 3 bedroom house, battle to keep it warm and clean.
the girls go to the local primary school. they are doing OK. DH works in wetherill park and seven hills.....

we are born again spirit filled Christians. we love our church and church family, DH is involved in a lot of church activities, i was but health has toned that down lately.
We have a busy life, with activities 3nights a week, plus home work and other stuff.

ummmmm i have had a hard life, love being married and the changes that has mad to my life.
this blog will end up wiht a lot of health information in it.... as that does consume a lot of my life.
i have had enough of my weight and have decided to do something positive about it..... like get rid of it.
so, this is the beginning of the story and we are starting from a place that i will call the beginning even though a lot of the weight has come off sort of........ i lost a lot while i was nuts (another long story) but i was not taking steroids almost daily then..... and i put on another 15 kg, so now i am 144.4... as of Friday 28th May 2010.