Tuesday, October 12, 2010

thinking i too need nilstat, but think will try ummmm probiotic tabs kept in fridge add with millions of blue little guys....... can't think of the name.

I am still very nausiated and struggling to remember to eat. i do remember to sip as soooooo thirsty.  I have made  jurnal of my surgery and the lead up and will keep writing in it as the time goes on. the first page says....
"once upon a time.....
there was a very hungry catterpillar......
and this is the story of how she became a butterfly!
i have written a little aobut my childhood. but most is about now and what am going through.
DH took so many bero shots and in hosptial shots and i am going to get him to take some 3 week out shots tomorrow.
See Dr Taylor then too and will ask him for a shot with him....
Have one with Dr Love.... he was my Dr at the mater for asthma, Diabetes and all my other issues.
BGL's have nto improved at all. bugger was hoping that the surgery would help with my insulin needs.
OOOHHHHH ***** Bio Oil ladies!!! start using on your face and neck at least twice a day.
it will help with hte sagging of the face and wrinkles from losing so much weight. it does seem to cost a lot, but have used mine twice a day for 3 weeks and you can't see that any is missing from the bottle.
will help the grandma face thing from losing weight fast laptop going to die... battery so Hi to all i have missed... lol bye
.................................editied to add.................................................
i can do the milk stuff...... have been having liquid yogurt drinks a lot.
but mainly flavoured water and sustagen when i remember. for diner tonight i mixed 3 scoops with 100ml milk.... had not had anything today except water and 1/4 of a small avocado.... but did not eat most of it..... tried tea today but was not really successful. hope tomorrow when i see the surgeon and the dietitian i will get ideas on how to help me eat better...... or at least be interested in remembering to eat and what to eat.
Last time the dietitian had no idea..... i had to keep reminding her of my allergies and that i am a diabetic.... she just kept trying to sell me the standard products.... not for me at all!!!
i hope that i get some where.... i bought children's custard pots (12 pack) and some pureed apple stuff from the canned fruit aisle.... little pots. try half a tub of each mixed and eat with an egg teaspoon...... they are tiny teaspoons so make it easy to have small amounts.
i have been averaging 400 calories a day, instead of a minimum of 800 calories..... so not losing weight as well as I should be.... body is in starvation mode... and I keep vomiting bile or burping for hours so feel like Yuck all the time.
still don't regret the surgery, already love my thinner body, but worried that i have no interest in food just thirsty.
very thirsty.
like high blood sugars but without them being high....

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