Tuesday, October 12, 2010


my apointment with Dr Craig Taylor

ummmm he seems very young.... does that mean i am getting old????

ok so here goes.
first thing was weighed... and had put on 3kg.
was to be expected after the lst 2 visits to hospital.....thought i had put back the whole 8kg and more, soooo i guess 3 is not so bad.

saw Dr Taylor. He questioned my choice..... a few times...  but saw my point, and my point that if i was as i am i will not be around in 5 years....

so we went through my health issues, decided to check for a hereditry blod disorder... another one as i have lost 8 pregnancys, and have clots all over....
next we discussed my lungs.... and he wishes i had a different set....

then there was my...

but he booked me in...
september 20th....

now for apra... have to do tomorrow and beg them to rush it.... then ring ing and ask them to rush that too....
he has to be paid by 8th september.

the plan:
see if i can remember....
1.  will go straight to icu, do not pass go.
2.  will have pca
3.  will have anti nausia meds
4.  have to see a chest physio before hand
5.  have to see a anestesiologest or 2 beforehand.
6.  lots and lots of blood tests.
7.  probebly have a central line when i wake up.
8.  said this time next year will be around 50kg less..... i can't process that.... was walking past clothes tonight in big W summer stuff coming in..... and could not see me in any normal size clothes.

9.  will be a five weetbix breakfast.... instead of 1.  i am a challenge.
10.   3 weeks opti
11.   go for a swim or 10 to help lungs.

so there we go sure i have forgotten things....


h ave not been writing here for a while, have not had much to say.

I don't know what to say today, but know if i don't write soon it will never happen.

I am a little (ok a lot) down today, cold and it is raining.

I have sent my application with apra approveal to our super people today.
so the process for us went a little like this....

i got the original forms and filled them out wiht a letter from my Dr and specialist.
sent them to APRA, then got letters stating they needed more information.
me being me sat on this a while, then started chasing the letters. In the middle of this I changed my Surgeon, and had to get letters from the new one then too.
My GP did not want to say that the obesity was life threatening, but was more than willing to say that I have many life threatening illnesses.... so had to get her to re- write the letters more than 3 times.

I also got her to add that the surgery was booked and any delay would be deprimental to my Health. when i rang APRA to tell them i had faxed them and needed to apply for priority approval, they were cadgey and said they would tell me if my application for priority was approved within 48 hours then i wold know within  5 working days, if it was approved, if not, it would be 12 days... to close to the surgery date for it to get to super company and then get it approved from there.

well i rang the next day, and was told application was sucessful, and the letter was in the post with approval. This was great.
Have filled in all the forms, seen JP and had everything whitnessed and it is all in the super company's hand now.

I have been doing a lot of study. Have finished my course, and started on the next one, which is great as I have finished in record time...
I am doing Create Electronic Presentations at the moment, and like working with Power pOint, but not sure hwo i feel about writing a order of presentation document.

my girls are both sick, coughing and spluttering and have flu so not well at all, and makes me sad that they are both feeling soo yuck. dropped them at the pool today, did not want them walking in the rain. school not happy, but tough. they are not needing to be any sicker.


22/08/2010 copied from......

Hi all
it is becoming more and more real, this journey to a new me!!

I have been so busy with study and apra and family for the last month.

Now i will be spending a lot of my time travelling and sitting with my mum.
but i need to get myself organised.

so, what do i need to do?
make lists is a huge thing.... and i can do that here...
i need to figure out what my girls need to take with them to ballina.
i need to get myself organised and what i need ready
i need to cook and freeze meals of hubby for a month.
i need to cook and freeze some mushy foods.
i need to make sure house is reasonable.

am making a start on the house.... have someone coming tomorrow to help me catch up on some of the crap/// my room is a huge mess, and so is the lounge room.
will do them tomorrow and go to the tip with what i don't want to keep.

as for how i am feeling?
have put on all i lost from the OPTI....
so now have to start again.
I need to remember that i have had 3 hospital admissions in 4 weeks, and have been travelling to and from the hospital everyday for my mum.

ok. so not good at talking feelings.... am scared, feel sick and not coping with the idea of pain.
but then think of the pain of carrying another person around all day every day...


what a week i ahve had!!
my mum is still in hospital, but now has been diagnosed with dementia, and is really showing it.

she is in a room with a "special" a nurse that can not leave the room or the patients alone.

Hubby got a letter from super.... the money is in his account!!!
sooooo he wants to use it to fix his car.... lol not a chance have pinched his bank card and will start taking out the maximum withdrawal amount each day and put in mine.....and then transfer to the surgeon. seems such a hassle.

i ahve a major potassium deficancy, and can't seem to get it  back to normal. it causes extreme tiredness, mussle fatigue and problems with insulin.... need more to do less.

starting opti tomorrow BUT am having a seafood platter on tuesday lunch time! lol was the only time i could organise it for.

i will do what i did last time.
and bags of lettuce mix.

looove lots and lots of hot sweet tea ( i am a little  ahead of some who are doing this as i already use equal..... can't stand sugar tastes like syrup to me)

3 shakes a day coffee flavour for breakfast

strawberry and berries for lunch (frozen berries pureed into a sorbet kind of thing)

and probebly a soup for dinner till they run out then what ever i have left, think i have all the shakes but do need to get salad stuff and veggies to make soup with.
that would be
2x cans tomoatoes
tomato paste
and some chicken stock or veggie stock
dice and cook the lot!!!

that's it for me, need a nap!!!

copied from some where else ... will come back and edit with dates and times...

OK so i need to update this.... sorry ti has been so long....

Monday morning we got to the Mater....

an hour early so my  husband   took me for a drive around Balls point... it was lovely just being together as a couple.

when we got to the hospital, did admissions stuff and then we went to the ward.
DH and i tried to take a lot of before photo's he took about 30.... then we discovered none had worked so back in day clothes, take another lot strip to bra and panties and take another lot and then another lot in the gown.

was nice being together.

then it was time to go to theatre....
saw my sleep  DR... lol Don't remember seeing DR Talyor   though.

DH walked with me, and when we got to the doors he had to go.... but i had my bear!!!
bear came in with me, he (and it is a he even though he is baby pink.....) got masked up too.

IV in and off to la la land...
woke in heaps and heaps of pain, being told to take a deep breath.... felt like throat was closed was sooooo hard!!!
ICU unit for a day and night.
walked 50 meters then

the next 24 hours are a blur of pain, pushing the pca button and vomiting.
on Thursday.. the next day i really remember i was still vomiting and feeling really horrible. but went for walks and did what i should.

I had so many issues with tummy stuff...
couldn't drink water or juice or cordial or anything but milk.... what a life it was.

lol the funny thing is when I  fart   every one wants to leave even me....

tired again... sorry will write more later.....
probably just transcribe from my journal... very good idea write in it as i go each day.
thinking i too need nilstat, but think will try ummmm probiotic tabs kept in fridge add with millions of blue little guys....... can't think of the name.

I am still very nausiated and struggling to remember to eat. i do remember to sip as soooooo thirsty.  I have made  jurnal of my surgery and the lead up and will keep writing in it as the time goes on. the first page says....
"once upon a time.....
there was a very hungry catterpillar......
and this is the story of how she became a butterfly!
i have written a little aobut my childhood. but most is about now and what am going through.
DH took so many bero shots and in hosptial shots and i am going to get him to take some 3 week out shots tomorrow.
See Dr Taylor then too and will ask him for a shot with him....
Have one with Dr Love.... he was my Dr at the mater for asthma, Diabetes and all my other issues.
BGL's have nto improved at all. bugger was hoping that the surgery would help with my insulin needs.
OOOHHHHH ***** Bio Oil ladies!!! start using on your face and neck at least twice a day.
it will help with hte sagging of the face and wrinkles from losing so much weight. it does seem to cost a lot, but have used mine twice a day for 3 weeks and you can't see that any is missing from the bottle.
will help the grandma face thing from losing weight fast laptop going to die... battery so Hi to all i have missed... lol bye
.................................editied to add.................................................
i can do the milk stuff...... have been having liquid yogurt drinks a lot.
but mainly flavoured water and sustagen when i remember. for diner tonight i mixed 3 scoops with 100ml milk.... had not had anything today except water and 1/4 of a small avocado.... but did not eat most of it..... tried tea today but was not really successful. hope tomorrow when i see the surgeon and the dietitian i will get ideas on how to help me eat better...... or at least be interested in remembering to eat and what to eat.
Last time the dietitian had no idea..... i had to keep reminding her of my allergies and that i am a diabetic.... she just kept trying to sell me the standard products.... not for me at all!!!
i hope that i get some where.... i bought children's custard pots (12 pack) and some pureed apple stuff from the canned fruit aisle.... little pots. try half a tub of each mixed and eat with an egg teaspoon...... they are tiny teaspoons so make it easy to have small amounts.
i have been averaging 400 calories a day, instead of a minimum of 800 calories..... so not losing weight as well as I should be.... body is in starvation mode... and I keep vomiting bile or burping for hours so feel like Yuck all the time.
still don't regret the surgery, already love my thinner body, but worried that i have no interest in food just thirsty.
very thirsty.
like high blood sugars but without them being high....