Wednesday, July 21, 2010

i realy admire those that can pump out a blog a day and it makes sence, you want to hear what the person has to say and you go away thinking that you have learnt something from this.

i feel that i am marching time at the moment. not going forwards but not really going backwards either.

Have been in hosptial again, for 5 days after a lunch out. nearly killed me. sooo over pain.

I am not making sence today, tired and i think depressed and have sooo much stressing me.
computers, schools, life, husbands kids and thats enough for now.

i want to get moving forward in my life and be productive.
seems every time i go forwards it means another step backwards.

need to get head together and not feel sooooo sick all the time.

ok whinge over.... lol  I hope.

1 comment:

  1. hey, are you still in hospital? i would have come to see you today regardless but i have been really sick... i hope you feel better soon, love you... and again I am so sorry...
